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THIS WEEK @ CCMI: Through August 5, 2019

THIS WEEK @ CCMI: Tuesday, July 30 - Monday August 5, 2019

Tuesday, July 30 07:00 Mindfulness class 07:00 Pub night at the Roanoke Saturday, August 4

8:00 a.m. Freeway Cleanup

Sunday, August 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion

CLIMATE ACTION Our church is doing a big thing for the environment by installing solar panels. There are also smaller lifestyle changes we can each individually do. Summer is a good time to shop local farmers’ markets. Local products are climate friendly because they require less energy to transport them to market. Also they are fresher, taste better and are grown by small farmers in our own community. More and more small local farmers are using organic methods and avoiding fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides. This month try adding more local, organic produce to your diet. SAVE GOD’S EARTH.

MESSAGE FROM BRYAN CAIRNS Dear Friends here and everywhere, What a wonderful time it has been to know you all. 51 years on Mercer Island. Thank you to so many people who have touched my life in many ways. Through pleasurable activities, the church, in civic affairs, and other endeavors. I appreciate you all. Thank you for your help in benefiting the Island whether through the building of the library, the community center or other activities. When I pass, I will be leaving my wife Sue, my love for 53 years, and my two girls, and three grandchildren. I can only thank you all for the friendships we have all shared. My love and thanks to all, Bryan

BAKE SALE FOR PANTHERA TIGERS FOREVER We are delighted to report that William Moss collected $522 in bake sale donations for Panthera Tigers Forever last Sunday. Thank you all for your generous support of William and his important cause. It was a sweet success!

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR JANE MARICH Saturday, August 10 2:00 p.m.

PET BLESSING Sunday, August 11 10:30 a.m. We will have our annual Pet Blessing on Sunday August 11th. Invite your friends and neighbors to bring their pets along with yours to our outdoor service. If you are not able to bring your pet, bring a photo to be blessed.

CHURCH RETREAT Friday - Sunday August 16-18 Please contact Barb Miller if you need a ride!

SHELLY TRAVERSE RECITAL Sunday, August 18 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Recital at our church. Details soon.


Sue Cairns 30-Jul

Jillian Kasman 02-Aug

Tina Tsai 04-Aug

Community and UCC Events

CONCERT IN THE PARK IN DOWNTOWN MERCER ISLAND Thursday August 8 7:00 p.m. Fellowship is supporting this and will have a spot on the line! So please join your church family on the lawn at Mercer Island’s Summer Concert Series! This night presents Motus: a Musical mix of horns harmonies and grooves! More information about the band at Bring your picnic dinner and look for the CCMI! All are welcome!”

VOLUNTEERS FOR SUNDAY, August 4 COFFEE TIME Anyone wishing to bring refreshments, please contact Donna Ellis​ GREETERS Hellen and Bill Fung USHERS Donna and Caesy Ellis FLOWERS

Worship and Arts Committee, provided by Evelyn Gratrix


Anyone wishing to serve as a greeter, usher, Communion server or flower provider for the altar, please contact Carol Sanders or the Church Office


Tuesday, 8-2

Thursday, 8-2

Friday, 9-12


Tuesday evening (Sanctuary) Saturday evening (Sanctuary) Sunday morning (Sanctuary)

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