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Sunday's worship will happen online

The CCMI Church Council has decided that public worship in our building should be suspended for a few Sundays. Instead, we will meet online. We welcome anyone who would like to join us! Here is the link to click, Sunday mornings, 10:30. If you would like to join by telephone:

Call 669-900-9128. A robotic voice will ask you to punch in the ID number for your meeting, and the number you need is 734 461 336.

This is not just to reduce the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 ourselves. It is important for slowing down the spread of the disease to give authorities and healthcare systems a chance to attend to the not-well. We know so little about this virus…but it sounds like people (like us) could be carriers of the disease and not know it because we are asymptomatic. By going out and about in large numbers, we may inadvertently be spreading it. Let's stay home as an act of care for ourselves and others. But let's support one another with our (virtual) presence and our prayers.

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